Are you already a parent who’s trusting God for another child? Are you a newly wed? Are you single and aspire to be married and become a parent some day? I need you to deeply consider your understanding of the responsibility inherent.
Bringing a child into the world is by spiritual implication bringing God’s exact person into the world. This is because we are positionally made in His image and likeness.
 Whenever you decide to start having kids you must be eternally conscious and reminded that you are venturing into a covenant that immediately condemns you to obligation of care and service. The moment you become a parent you are saddled with the responsibility of being accountable and liable for the preservation and nurturing of God’s very image placed in your care. 
When I speak of accountability and burden of care, I’m not just talking about being able to cater for them by buying them toys, clothes, taking them out, pay their fees etc. Pertinently, there’s more to that. Inasmuch as all of the above mentioned are necessary, your major focus should be to guard their hearts against the schemes and lies of the devil. 
It is your responsibility to nurture them to maturity, by teaching them values of the kingdom – the word of God. Do not interference of worldly standard through cartoons, societal trends or views, or friends/peer pressure, take time to filter what your children spent time on. As you plan to walk into the realm of parenting, handle it both spiritually and physically by putting in your undivided time and attention in raising godly seeds. 
Conversely, raising children is a two way thing; it’s either you do it cooperating with God or the devil hijack the process from you. The devil will stop at nothing to frustrate your efforts, but you must never give up. 
My sincere counsel is that, spend time in the secret place (prayers), ponder daily on the word of God (Isaiah54:13, Psalms 32:8) and if the devil gives you a reason why your child should be wayward, go back to the word and give him a thousand reasons why your child shouldn’t be. I know that many will say, we have to work to get the needed money for our children upbringing, you can efficiently juggle your schedules to balance work demands and attention for the family. Would you rather have all the monies and fail woefully in your race of parenting? There’s one way to succeed and it is through *Jesus* who is the only way John14:6.
Written by Rajunor Egbe
Edited by Martins Olaitun

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